Bill &

Read about their Autobahn Adventures' experience

Let the Ungoverned Speed of the Autobahn Convert You to a “Car Person”

Autobahn Adventures involves much more than exotic cars, high-speed driving, and luxurious European locales. It truly centers on an amazing group of people, with common interests, who gather to share an experience that exceeds even the highest of expectations. Read below to meet Bill and Karen Trevey, a humorous and fascinating couple who will share their Autobahn Adventures experience with you. They are a true example of the quality of people you will meet when you embark on this life-changing adventure.

Bill and Karen Trevey live in Hunstville, Alabama, and, married in 1997, still refer to themselves as newlyweds. Bill works as a business manager for the Department of Defense’s Major Aviation Project Manager’s office, and is happy to say that he is in the “twilight” of his career and his retirement is less than six months away. Karen has been retired for several years from her civilian work with the Army, where she managed project budgets. She was responsible for petitioning Congress for more money when needed, and defending the spending ofbudgets. Bill is originally from Ohio, and graduated from Ohio State University. He spent twenty years working in St. Louis, Missouri, which is where he met Karen. Karen was born and raised in St. Louis and graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in Business Administration, and then an MBA from Columbia University. Bill and Karen met each other at work and fell in love, but Bill was then transferred to Hunstville, Alabama. It took Karen two years, but finally the separation was too much and she followed Bill to Hunstville, where they were married.

Bill and Karen love to travel, and over the years they have visited a majority of North America’s national parks, where they love to hike. Bill, an accomplished photographer, is able to capture the breathtaking natural wonders of these scenic destinations. Bill, who occasionally shoots weddings for family and friends, would love to spend more time focusing on photography when he retires. Karen manages a full schedule in her retirement; she is dedicated to working out at her gym and practicing yoga. She takes classes at the University of Alabama, while also volunteering with The Salvation Army. Both Bill and Karen are very active in the Heart of Dixie chapter of Porsche Club of America and participate in events and the extensive car culture of the South.

Bill has always loved cars. He remembers, when he was in college, pooling together gas money with a group of friends to drive out and see a vintage Porsche. Karen was quite the opposite. She always viewed cars as “utilitarian,” something to get her from point A to point B. Although Karen’s appreciation for automobiles grew through her relationship with Bill, Karen says that it took Mark and Tina, Autobahn Adventures’ founders, to convert her. She thought, “I’m going on this trip to fuel my love of travel, the beauty of Germany,” yet she clearly remembers flying down the Autobahn at 175 mph with goose bumps, tears in her eyes, and the desire to scream, “weee” all the way home. From that point on she was hooked, and now she and Bill are the proud owners of a Porsche 911. Bill meticulously prepared the garage for the arrival of their new “baby,” while considering the merits of sending out a “birth announcement” to their friends and family. Though garage space prevents it at the moment, Bill and Karen dream of someday adding a vintage Porsche to their family.

What originally convinced Bill that Autobahn Adventures was the right trip for him was the driving component. It gives a greater opportunity to see the countryside, but also the freedom and the exhilaration of ungoverned speed. Karen jokes that this must sound like an advertisement, but that her expectations were blown out of the water. Mark and Tina are otherworldly in their ability to set a harmonious tone and create a magical feeling of family. There is something for everyone – fashion, history, luxurious spas, and more – everyone has the vacation they wanted.

One of Karen’s favorite Autobahn Adventures moments is her unforgettable visit to a spectacular spa in their Austrian hotel. While standing in line with a group of people entering the spa with her, she realized it was a “no bathing suit” and “no robe” situation. She decided to be brave and to have the experience, despite any self-consciousness she felt in the face of everyone else’s nonchalance. Aftersteaming in a sauna, being slathered in honey, olive oil, and sea salt, they all went outside, still naked, and were covered in icy water. They then sank into a breathtaking pool that echoed with the sounds of dolphins. Karen remembers that she left beet red, feeling amazing, and can’t wait to do it again.

Bill’s favorite memory is driving up through an immense forest to a grand hotel. They drove their Porsche into an area that looked like the lobby of the hotel, complete with marble, chandeliers, and wood paneling on the walls. He was sure they had mistakenly driven into the wrong area, but soon found out that this was simply the garage of their hotel. Truly, a singular experience.

Email us your story from Autobahn Adventures or allow us to interview you for an upcoming article. Just email, we can’t wait to hear from you!